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June 22, 2012


Do you ever get so excited about changes in your life that you just can't sleep at night?! Well, this is one sleepless lady right here.  I am making changes to my business left and right.  These aren't just changes for the sake of change.  These are changes that I feel are really lifting my business, my art, and my spirits!

One of the most exciting changes is I now incorporate a professional makeup artist for my clients the day of the session! And the artists are sensational! Not only does it help enhance the beauty of my clients, but it makes editing and post processing so much easier for me! WHY HAVE I NOT BEEN DOING THIS FROM THE BEGINNING??? It's one of those palm to forehead things.  Anyway, I wanted to post these photos to show how a beautiful girl, lovely makeup, and some dreamy lighting make my photographer's soul sing!

June 8, 2012

I Shoot Friends

Cheylee is a friend of mine.  Besides being absolutely beautiful, Cheylee is a mom to the cutest little chubby 8 month old. All I can say is I hope I look half as good as she does when I'm a momma!
I love when I get the chance to photograph a friend.  I tend to experiment a little more, get a little more creative, and push myself because she knows me; there is already an element of trust there. I tried some new tools to create different effects in camera (see bottom left photo). I played around a bit with the light- lots of back lighting and also letting it wrap around her a bit.  And even tried a couple new poses.   So thank you, Cheylee, for allowing me to let loose some pent up creativity!

May 29, 2012

Eyes {San Antonio Portrait Photographer}

Look at this girl's eyes.  Aren't they beautiful? I know what you are thinking, and no, I didn't do much to enhance them.  She really just has lovely eyes. 
I've been thinking about eyes a lot lately.  Yesterday, my husband was wearing his sun glasses inside (he was on his way out... he's not that guy) and I had to ask him, "Are you upset? I can't see your eyes." He wasn't, as it turns out, but I realize how much I depend on someone's eyes to read his or her emotions. 
It's completely possible, easy in fact, to smile with our mouth but not with our eyes.  Don't believe me? Just look at a few politician's election posters- dead eyes galore! On the other hand, it is also possible to smile just with our eyes, but not with our mouth.  A smile with the eyes doesn't mean they have to go squinty.  A smile in the eyes gives the eyes a sparkle that no fancy photography lighting can quite duplicate.
Look in the mirror. Are your eyes smiling? I am willing to bet my lunch that if they did a scientific study (with graphs and everything!) that most people are drawn to those who smile with their eyes as opposed to those who just smile with their mouths. Look around you today.  Who's smiling with their eyes? Why? Whose smiles aren't reaching their eyes? Why? Try and get a genuine smile out of someone.  You'll know you've done it when you see that sparkle in the eyes!

May 21, 2012

Catch Up

It's 5:38 am, and I am awake.  That is to say, I am still awake.  I am no stranger to insomnia.  It's something I've dealt with most of my life.  Is it annoying? Yes! Are there worse things? Yes! In fact, occassionally insomnia will turn out to be a blessing in disguise.  Some of my most productive and creative moments happen when I can't sleep.  Go figure.
Anyway, I got home Saturday evening after a sublime vacation to Panama City, Florida and am now trying to figure out how I can possibly get back into my normal rhythm after so much relaxation! I've decided to start by doing a catch up post.  I really wanted to blog about each and every session individually, but April was almost as busy as November was for me.  So please forgive me for the mass post.
 A big fat thank you to all my wonderful clients this spring! You were all sensational to work with!

May 3, 2012


I spend a lot of time photographing families and children, and don't get the chance to photograph married couples that often.  During this session I rediscovered how wonderful it is to photograph two people that love each other long past the giddiness of  the wedding.  I've been inspired by this couple, and now I hope to spend more time photographing married couples in my family sessions!

April 23, 2012

Oh,Those Faces!

Confession- sometimes I sit down at the computer to edit a session, and I discover photos that I had no idea I captured! That is exactly what happened with this session.  I was mystified (and extremely pleased) to see all these fun little expressions that some how ended up on my camera.  I know I've already shared some of these photos, but I just can't help it! He's so cute!

April 14, 2012

BU Baby

I'm way behind on this here blog.  I'm still trying to get use to the whole idea of having one.  It will probably take me a LONG time before my blog becomes the special sneak peek for my clients that I hope it will be one day.  Can we just embrace that and move on? Thanks!

My blog negligence doesn't change the fact that this is one seriously cute baby! And I think, I think his family must be BU fans...

April 3, 2012

Ugh. Facebook Scams- Gross!

This morning I opened my Facebook homepage, like I do every morning, hoping to find out which of my friends have gotten engaged, announced their pregnancy, or even publicly declared their love/hatred for X, Y, or Z sports team.  Instead I received an onslaught of links posted on friends' statuses informing me that the shoe company, TOMS giving away their product for "free."
Facebook scams are as unfortunately common as Crocks shoes are these days.  I always thought that 99% of people knew such giveaways were frauds- the social media version of the Nigerian Princess scam.  I was therefore shocked at how many people seemed to believe (wish?) that this TOMS giveaway was in any way shape or form legitimate.  Sadly, those hopeful friends will likely receive plenty of spam but little footwear in the near future. I hope that by sharing a few of the red flags that went off in my mind, I can help people be a little more cautious of these Facebook "giveaways" in the future. (Although I'm citing the TOMS giveaway, I think most of these redflags can be applied to most other scams.)

Red flag #1.  Offering massive quantities of free products:  Businesses are set up to make a profit, (or at the very least, not to LOSE money) and you can't make a profit off of free. Giving out thousands, or possibly even millions, of free shoes makes zero business sense. Not to mention the halt in orders from that time forward.  (Why would anyone ever order a pair when they can just wait until the next mass giveaway?) When I asked myself, "is TOMS so desperate for me, Rachel McHardy, an ordinary consumer with nothing to offer the company in return (except, of course, well adorned feet!), to wear their shoes that they will give them to me even if it means ABSOLUTE FINANCIAL RUIN for them?" there was a resounding "No!"
Scammers know that the economy, gas prices, unemployment, etc. has consumer purse strings a little tight, but consumer want is still just as high as ever.  Hence, the use of the word FREE- instantly appealing to the consumers desire to have products AND to be financially responsible.  It is very effective- mean- but effective.

Red flag #2.  The url:  Underneath the giveaway title, I could see the url that I would be taken to if I clicked on the link.  It was not the TOMS website nor was their any link on the official TOMS website to the stated Facebook link.  Why would the company spend the time and money to build an entirely new website without so much as linking it to their homepage? They wouldn't.

Red flag #3.  No mention of it on the company's Facebook fan page, website, etc: My first thought was to check the Facebook fan page.  Sure, there were lots of questions from fans regarding the giveaway, but no post from the company itself.  Where would a company advertise a giveaway? Where their fans can be reached! Namely, the company website, facebook or other social media site, and blog.

Having said all that, there ARE legitimate giveaways! As a matter of fact, I will be doing some myself in the near future.  It's a great way to show customer appreciation, and, well, they're fun! However, I cannot think of a single legitimate giveaway where all three red flags I mentioned are present.  Usually, it's more of a contest in that everyone who enters/likes/whatever will not necessarily win (like Pictureline's 5D Mark III giveaway). Or, if everyone does receive something, it's likely to be rather small in terms of monetary value (NOT a pair of shoes or an ipad). 

Hopefully this isn't coming across as preachy.  I just thought that if I can save someone from setting his/herself up for disappointment, I might as well try.  Maybe one day Facebook will be void of scammers, but in the meantime, I'll pass on the TOMS! I think this cutie's face sums up my feelings on the issue:

March 28, 2012

C&R {San Antonio Engagement Photographer}

Just look at this couple.  Well dressed, good looking, so in love... oh yeah, and she's a doctor and he's a pilot. Pretty much the coolest couple ever! (I kind of wanted to ask them if they'd be my friends and hang out with me.)  Thank you so much C&R for such a fun engagement session and for making me feel cooler for just being around you two!

March 21, 2012

Making me Work!

Some babies smile at mere eye contact.  Others... well, other babies make you work for each and every smile! Kind of like this cute little girl.  Most of the time she just looked at me like, "who are you?" But every once in a while she'd crack her million dollar smile, and I was just quick enough on the trigger to capture it!

March 15, 2012

Exciting Stuff

I know it's been a while since I've posted, but that's because I'm working on and developing all kinds of photography projects. I am just brimming with excitement about some of the things I'll be doing in the future! More details will follow as those things come together.  (But I'm so giddy about it that I just had to post now!) In the mean time, here's a photo from a session I will be blogging about soon. (hopefully tomorrow!) It made me laugh...

March 3, 2012

Anne and Sam {San Antonio Senior Photographer}

I love, love, love shooting high school senior sessions! I get to be a different kind of creative with these sessions than I do when I'm photographing little kids (owing to the fact that I don't have to worry about the high school senior running away from me). These two friends booked back to back sessions which allowed them to get some shots together.  Thanks so much for letting me photograph you, girls! And good luck to both of you in the future.

February 29, 2012

First Newborn of 2012

Keeping with the tradition, I photographed another newborn girl! Even though I made her mad trying to get the first set of photos, she still pulled off some very sweet pictures.

February 27, 2012

Spears Family

The greatness that is 2012 just kept going in January! Again, another darling, cooperative family! We did the photo shoot at The Alamo.  I think the cowboy boots added just the right touch to the San Antonio theme!

February 21, 2012

Fancy and Fun

When I asked the family what made them decide to bring bubbles they said, "If you're wearing fancy clothes, you have to do something silly." I love it! Since there were no little kids with ticking time clocks, the family decided to do a handful of outfit changes and style types.  I loved the creativity!

February 18, 2012


My favorite part about photographing one year olds is capturing all their expressions.  It seems like one year olds go from smiling to laughing to serious in a matter of seconds! And the best part is they do it so readily that I hardly have to do a thing but be ready for it! Take a look at this little guy, and you'll see what I mean! (And those eyes??? Can we talk about those big, beautiful, brown eyes for just a second? They're heart melters.)

February 13, 2012

Best Way to Start a New Year

What would be the best way to start a New Year? Being given a million dollars? Nah.  A new house? No thanks.  A Caribbean vacation? I'll pass.  For me, there is no better way to start the New Year than a photo session full of well behaved, easy to photograph children.  Okay... maybe I wouldn't turn down a million dollars (or any of those things, really), but this family really helped me open 2012 the right way. 

February 2, 2012

Other Fun Photos

I think I'm just about ready to wrap up the holidays and start posting about January! (One day I'll be all caught up...) The pictures below are some miscellaneous favorites from the season.  Was the season hectic? Yes.  Did I feel like my sanity was slipping away from me? Occasionally.  Was it absolutely wonderful? Definitely. 

January 27, 2012

Welcome, Little Ones

During the holiday months not only did I get to do family photo sessions, I also had the opportunity to do a handful of newborn sessions as well.  Ironically, all the newborns I photographed were girls! (I sure hope there are boys being born somewhere!)

As I reflected on each newborn session, I realized that in every home I could feel an added measure of warmth and love.  I think that comes with welcoming someone brand new into the world.  I walked away from each session grateful to have been a part of such a special time for that family, and for the warmth and love I felt.


January 26, 2012

Oh, Boy!

Next up in my holiday recap: "Let's here it for the boy[s]!" (Please excuse the Footloose reference... I couldn't resist.)  I love the energy that boys bring to a photo shoot.  I never have to ask them twice to run, jump, or climb onto something (sometimes it's getting them to stop that's the challenge!). 

How about these studs, huh?