Look at this girl's eyes. Aren't they beautiful? I know what you are thinking, and no, I didn't do much to enhance them. She really just has lovely eyes.
I've been thinking about eyes a lot lately. Yesterday, my husband was wearing his sun glasses inside (he was on his way out... he's not that guy) and I had to ask him, "Are you upset? I can't see your eyes." He wasn't, as it turns out, but I realize how much I depend on someone's eyes to read his or her emotions.
It's completely possible, easy in fact, to smile with our mouth but not with our eyes. Don't believe me? Just look at a few politician's election posters- dead eyes galore! On the other hand, it is also possible to smile just with our eyes, but not with our mouth. A smile with the eyes doesn't mean they have to go squinty. A smile in the eyes gives the eyes a sparkle that no fancy photography lighting can quite duplicate.
Look in the mirror. Are your eyes smiling? I am willing to bet my lunch that if they did a scientific study (with graphs and everything!) that most people are drawn to those who smile with their eyes as opposed to those who just smile with their mouths. Look around you today. Who's smiling with their eyes? Why? Whose smiles aren't reaching their eyes? Why? Try and get a genuine smile out of someone. You'll know you've done it when you see that sparkle in the eyes!
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